Coach: | Yes | Club: | Westbury | Gender: | Male | Age Group: | V65 | County: | Avon | Region: | South West | Nation: | England |
Coach with more than 30 years experience, overlapping with a successful running career. Interests include middle distance, cross-country and fell running, coaching athletes of all abilities from beginner to international. Currently developing video analysis products for coaching in group situations, as a way of improving running technique for better performance with fewer injuries. A member of England Athletics' South West Regional Council. |
16:33 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | 5K | | | | | | 16:33 | 22:39 | | | | | | | | | | 26:11 | 22:50 | 22:39 | | | parkrun | | | | | | |
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