Each different event is given an event code. Some are obvious: "100" "10K", others less so
- H Denotes hurdles (e.g. 60H = 60m hurdles)
- W Denotes female specification (e.g. height hurdles, weight javelin
60HW = women's 60m hurdles. NB ALSO W FOR WALKS!
- Age groups e.g. 60HU20W/SPU15M
- SC Steeplechase
- WC Wheelchair
- SHORT10K short - not eligible for rankings.
- MT multi-terrain - not eligible for rankings (can't be accurately
- ZXC/ZMT/ZRD for cross country/multi terrain/road races where the distance is either unknown or non-standard;
- NAD e.g. some events where the distance has not been officially measured but is thought to be "Near As Dammit" the advertised distance.
- NS Non-standard event, such as missing hurdle/steeplechase barrier or non-standard hurdles. NS after any event code means the event is ineligible for the rankings.
- NWJ No water jump in the steeplechase, so ineligible for the rankings.
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